The scourge of drug dealers in society

Climate of fear in parts of Ballymena must be brought to an end

Ulster Unionist Councillor Stephen Nicholl has called on police, courts and agencies such as the Housing Executive to bring to an end the climate of fear created by the presence of drug dealers in parts of Ballymena.

“It’s becoming apparent that drug dealers are becoming more brazen in their activities and as a result local communities are living in fear of the crime and anti-social behaviour that accompanies their activities.

The police and other statutory agencies are well aware of the dealers and suppliers as well as the heart-breaking results of their activities. We see daily the effect of their dealing on those addicted to drugs but less obvious is the impact on local communities where violence and the threat of violence goes hand in hand with the dealers activities.

As a society we have a responsibility to protect the innocent; that means a robust policing response where intelligence indicates illegality, a judiciary committed to implementing the harshest sentences available and government departments prepared to remove dealers from social housing and end their social security benefits where they are receiving them.

We have several respected organisations in the area committed to helping people address drug addiction and continued support for them is essential but in addressing any such issue prevention is always better than cure. In this case it means removing the source of the addiction and that means removing the drugs and incarcerating those who sell them.

All agencies must make clear their commitment to making communities safe from crime and safe from the fear of crime.”


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